Required Fields

The Required Fields Configuration area allows you to determine which fields are required to fill out before completing any Guest Information or Stay records. These are the information fields which MUST be completed before the record can be saved - Skyware will not allow the record to be saved if any required fields are left blank.

Any fields marked here as required will appear in RED both in the guest/stay record and in the Required Fields set up screen itself, for ease of identification. Skyware Systems has its own minimal set of required fields for data manipulation, but your Property may require that ANY of the fields cataloged on the Required Fields screen are also required. This list is normally established at installation for you, but you may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

Note: Currently, Skyware requires Last Name (where relevant; this is not required on Group accounts or Company accounts, which instead require a Company name) and Guest Type; as well as the Default Hotel for multi property hotels. Any other required fields are at the Property's discretion.

This is part of the OPTIONAL configuration for Skyware Systems. This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.



Date Updated March 22, 2022